Sunday, June 29, 2014

Macro - Maks Danilin

 For this weeks macro project I tried to get as close as possible but kept running into problems with my camera taking the shot out of focus.  My camera doesn't have a flower icon but i did have a close-up filter kit that helped a little.  The first is a cactus that I was able to get fairly close to. 
The second is a shot of some colored chalk with ground chalk beneath it.  I played with the levels to get the colors to really stand out.  I also sharpened the image to show the scratches in the chalk.
 This shot is of a small piece of fools gold.  I really liked the spider on a CD shot (High-tech Jumper) in the macro picture gallery.  I ended up using a mirror for this shot with a backdrop I printed out to give it a nice color.  I increased the saturation to bring the gold color out.
This last shot was of a bug I saw while taking pictures of the cactus.  I took about 60 pictures attempting to get a clear shot and this was the best.  While taking the pictures all I could see was a black beetle so I surprised to see that the body has nice colors and design.  I also like the shadow which shows a different angle of the bugs form.

1 comment:

  1. Another excellent series Maks! I appreciate how you work the subject until you get it right. Taking many shots to get a really good one is what good photographers do. I like how you are thinking about the formal elements of light, design, color and composition. You make sure that everything you include in a shot counts... nothing extraneous to weaken the image.

    The chalk is just right... the mirror under the fool's gold, the beetle even... all are well conceived and executed. First looking at inspirational images then trying to emulate the best of what you have seen is the very best way to learn the medium.
