Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Virtual Trip Overseas!

Week 7 Virtual photography trip...

The art of photography as you have seen by now includes the judicious selection of line, geometry, proportion and scale... Light is central but also design plays a big role. This project asks you to visit Paris, London or the Sistine Chapel. Zoom around... become the photographer and capture several images that show your sense of design and proportion... Edit in Photoshop for light, contrast and hue/saturation. Post your best 6-10 on fotothing and a few on the blog.
Tip: zoom in, expecially looking down... Here is a shot of Parisian roof tops from the Paris-26 gigapixels site:
Article about the London immersion
And the site: http://www.360cities.net/london-photo-en.html
Another (maybe better) London... http://btlondon2012.co.uk/pano.html
Sistine Chapel, The Vatican http://www.vatican.va/various/cappelle/sistina_vr/index.html
NYC at night http://www.airpano.ru/files/Millennium-UN-Plaza-Hotel-New-York-Night/2-2 ( you can turn off the Tom Jones music)
150 more linked here: http://www.airpano.com/List-Aerial-Panoramas.php
Zoom in, Zoom around. Find a compelling "shot"... use the snipping tool (windows) or if on a Mac the screen shot of the portion you want is done by pressing Command-Shift-4. A cross-hair cursor will appear and you can click and drag to select the area you wish to capture. When you release the mouse button, the screen shot will be automatically saved as a PNG file on your desktop.

Open Photoshop and then open your saved files... edit them for light, focal point, etc...

This assignment reinforces composition and selection as a crucial element of good photography.

Have fun... it's easy!

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