I went for a bike ride and found a park to snap some pictures here are a few below. The first one is of benches. I liked this shot of the benches. It takes me to a place where there may be an older couple sitting enjoying the day and the time with each other.
For this next shot, I took a photo of a tree branch and made it b&w and lowered the cyan on. I liked this shot because of the shadows cast on the leaves. I also took out some of the cyan to even the tone.
This next shot was on my ride. I found a image of The Crucifixion. The sun was in the right spot to really make this shot stand out. I had to get really low in order to get the right angle for this.
For this next shot, I found a daddy long legs spider on my grill and set the camera to macro and took the shot. The shadow creates a creepy feel to it.
This was a side shot of pillars. I wanted to crop more out of the shot but it would have taken too much out of the image.
This is a shot of fountain with the rippling water. I kept it color because in b&w, the target seemed to distort and fade a way I did not like.
For my last shot, I took a picture of a wall. In Photoshop, I finally was able to work with the freeform utility effectively. The side of the wall was more askew than this. I think it worked out well.
I have really enjoyed this class and plan to submit many photos in the future to Fotothing in the future. This class has really inspired me to take better photos and analyze the shot and what I want to reveal in the image. I have learned photography jargon to somewhat actually know what I am talking about.