Tuesday, June 17, 2014

A different take on the editing...

for these two shots .  I converted them to grayscale and raised the contrast a bit... click on the picture to see it in larger scale.  Compare the before and after.

in the end I felt this one was better in grayscale as well.  Notice how much more detail, there is on the stump, and how all the little tendrils and minds create such an excellent texture in contrast to the rotting stump.

I decided to leave this one in color. I did take away some of the excess cyan color by adding red. Notice that I opened up the light quite a bit on the log.

I also let the the color remain on this stump... I raised the contrast and color balanced out the excess cyan as well.

1 comment:

  1. Prof Nevins,

    I see what you mean about the editing change effects. With the first picture, there is so much more detail in the grayscale in contrast to the original. The light really takes away some of the detail.

    For the second photo, the water really stands out. In the orginal, when I shot it, my focal point was the rock. However, your editing really brings the whole picture into focus, including the small waves.

    The stump in the third shot, almost looks bigger with the editing from the original.

    The shot of the log in the water really came out nicely with the raised lightening on the log. I do not even see lasso lines. I will revisit the video on lighting etc.

    The last stump has a greater vibrancy as well. The original almost seems dull.
